Year 2s Scented Garden
Our project this term is the scented garden. For the last two weeks we have been working on a mixed media piece aimed at creating texture and relief in the picture from different types of recycled paper: old abandoned sketchbooks, newspaper twists and scrap paper.
The children needed to draw on all the 5Rs to make their projects a success: reasoning and resourcefulness were required during then planning and discussion of the method; reflection on the way to mix green and which they wanted for their background and resilience with the production and subsequent sticking down of the twists. They all arrived ready to listen and learn. Perfect.
Year 3s Sorting Hats
As part of our Heroes theme, this week our pieces were considering the question: what is tone?
A brilliantly reflective lesson and with some excellent discussion that recalled elements we had used from the beginning of the year. Eventually using their knowledge they created themselves so they were wearing a Sorting Hat.
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Categories: Art News Phase 2 Year 2 Year 3