Welcome to Early Years

Welcome to Early Years at Holmwood House in Colchester, which is an incredibly exciting place for your child to make an excellent start on their learning journey. Our Early Years starts at 2 years old in our Little Holmwood Preschool and continues through until the children have finished their Reception year.

Exciting News- our Little Holmwood Preschool is now open all year round.

Holmwood House Preschool

In our Preschool we understand the importance of creating an exciting and engaging curriculum that is based on the interests of your child to spark their learning journey

  • Aged 2-3 Year Olds –  Sparking Curiosity

We believe in nurturing the natural curiosity of 2-3 year olds and fostering a love for learning, so they have the foundations in place to become enthusiastic and self motivated learners

  • Aged 3-4 Year Olds – Igniting Learning 

We are dedicated to igniting a love for learning in our 3-4 year olds and preparing them for their transition to school. We understand that this age is crucial for building a strong foundation of knowledge and skills. By providing a nurturing and stimulating environment, we ensure that our 3-4 year olds are school ready and equipped with the necessary tools to excel in their educational journey.


In Reception we carry on all the excellent learning that has taken place in our Nursery and Preschool and the children achieved a successful transition to Reception. Our beautiful setting provides a secure and nurturing environment where children feel comfortable to explore and discover.  Our small class size and access to specialist teachers enable the children to make rapid progress during their Reception year. We empowered the children to express their ideas, build their confidence, become independent learners and embrace a passion for learning that extends beyond the classroom.

Warm friendly and inclusive teaching environment with wonderful spacious facilities for the children to develop confidence and in all the important ways to have an enriched future.


We are delighted with he school, predominantly with the happy and secure environment for learning it creates for the children and how well they then learn and grow in that environment. Our two children are both very different but both have their needs taken care of in different ways.



Holmwood House Nursery

151 Coach Road, Great Horkesley,
Essex CO6 4DX
T: (01206) 273 827
E: nurserymanager@holmwood.house


Holmwood House School

Chitts Hill, Lexden,
Essex CO3 9ST
T: (01206) 574305
E: office@holmwood.house

Upcoming Events

Book a personal tour with our Head, Mr Bond or reserve your place on our upcoming events.

Click here for more details.