There are three rooms in the Nursery:
Snowdrops & Primroses | 6 months – 2 years |
Bluebells | 2 – 3 years |
Poppies | 3 – 4 years |
(Pre-Reception Class at main school site) | (3 – 4 years) |
Activities are planned following the Early Years Foundation Stage guidance.
Stay Safe
To keep each child safe there is provision for an organised, safe, enabling environment both indoors and outdoors.
Make a Positive Contribution
Holmwood House Nursery has detailed equality, diversity and special educational needs policies, which support and ensure the inclusion of all children. Find out more in our SEND Local Offer Statement.
See also – Supporting your Neurodiverse Child
Enjoy & Achieve
Dedicated staff provide imaginative, exciting and challenging activities for all the children in their key groups. All children have the opportunity to be creative on a daily basis, with role play, dressing up, art and craft, music and movement, messy play being provided as part of the routine.
The basis for all of the opportunities and activities provided is careful planning arising from continuous observations of individual children by the key person.
All children in the Poppies room have the opportunity to spend time with our shared learning co-ordinator, work on all seven areas of the EYFS framework, paying certain attention to school readiness, pre-reading and pre-writing skills. Early numeracy skills are encouraged through planned activities and spontaneity.
Children are praised constantly for their efforts and great emphasis is placed on being kind to our friends with the staff team acting as positive role models.
Children are encouraged to care for their environment by helping to tidy up and put things away in the right places.
The Nursery provides waterproof suits for each child so that children can safely engage in exciting activities whatever the weather.
“The provision is outstanding in meeting the needs
of the range of children who attend…”ISI Report 2015