The spring Term topic for Year 2 is “Towers, Tunnels and Turrets” and the children follow this theme in their French lessons too. The children have looked at some of the beautiful castles, the Eurotunnel and the iconic “Tour Eiffel”.
Sparking their curiosity, they discovered that La Tour Eiffel is lit up by 20,000 lightbulbs every night! This then led Year 2 to wonder about other buildings in which people could live such as “une maison”, “un appartement” or “une ferme” and they found that they sound very similar to the words we use in English.
To coincide with Science Week and the theme of “Growth”, the children had great fun constructing their very own “Tour Eiffel” using either tin foil or spaghetti and marshmallows! They were very excited to put their STEM skills into practice and get building! Bravo Year 2!
Madame Mookherjee
Categories: Languages News Year 2