One of the first art lessons for Year 3 was ‘Still Life’. The learning was to concentrate on what they could truly see.
Drawing 1 (to the right of the photo taken from their seated position) was an unsighted, ‘blind contour’ drawing. With a paper plate balanced on their pencil, they were unable to see what and where they were drawing, aiming for a single line so they might be aware of their placing. Much giggling ensued and some disappointment at their result but discussion produced the conclusion that they had truly focused on the objects and the composition of the globes and atlases, chosen to complement their Extreme Earth project this term.
Drawing 2, beneath the photo, showed the children how well they had looked at the composition, this time they were able to look at what they were drawing. Improvements were noted by all.
Drawing 3, offered opportunity for further improvement on positioning and sizing.
The children also considered tone, shadows and light and experimented with how they might make their objects look a little more 3D.
For more photos, please see our Photo Gallery
Categories: Art News Phase 2 Year 3