
Preschool and Nursery News – 24 May 2024

Posted: 23rd May 2024

Preschool 3
Preschool 3 have been busy with their new theme ‘Mini Beasts’. They have developed their artistic and creative skills by making ladybirds and bumblebees using paint and cut up apples. They also used some cardboard rolls to make some scary spiders. There has been a lot of discussion about the weather and how rain and the sun make rainbows which led to them making their own rainbows by rolling paint into bubble wrap. Watching the life cycle of their caterpillars has created much curiosity which turned to great excitement when they turned into beautiful butterflies, this inspired them to make their own butterflies which we have displayed in the classroom!

Preschool 3 have continued to make small transitions into the Reception classroom where they have enjoyed being pirates and counting out their treasure and last week they had great fun being dentists, inspired by the Reception theme this term “People Who Help Us”!

Preschool 2
With summer as their theme, the children have shown great interest in sea creatures. They have been talking about crabs, fish and sharks which has inspired an activity of painting fish using the upside down table as a vertical easel. They have listened to some different songs about these creatures and learnt some unique facts. Water play has also been popular as well as playdough and dressing up. Releasing our butterflies also caused great excitement, as the children have taken great interest in their life cycle.

The children have been showing great interest in watching their caterpillars grow and then finally releasing the butterflies last week. The children were able to remember what had happened to the caterpillars since they received them when they were tiny. It has sparked lots of interest in talking about a caterpillar to butterfly life cycle and the children have enjoyed doing various caterpillar and butterfly inspired activities including showing off their creative skills by doing some observational drawings of the butterflies. They have been enjoying lots of time in the garden come rain or shine, and also enjoyed a very exciting visit to the big school to take part in a drama workshop. The children thoroughly enjoyed a ride on the minibus and then showing off their dancing and acting skills during the workshop.

Bluebells have had an exciting few weeks exploring with experiments to understand the effects of floating and sinking, using balloons inflated in a different way, making mud and experimenting with different textures using playdough. Bluebells all enjoyed getting involved, exploring with an activity tray for bee day, they looked at the effect of kernels, lentils and oats and created the inside of a beehive. Looking at what a day is like in the life of a bee caused much excitement and they loved running around the garden, being a bumblebee looking for flowers. Bluebells were very excited to see that their caterpillars had all changed into butterflies and really enjoyed watching them be released in the garden. They watched the very hungry caterpillar on the iPad as a special treat and all loved doing an activity where they fed our crochet caterpillar. Bluebells have been exploring with the effects of dark and light and have loved doing shadow puppets on the wall as well as making dens! Drawing faces has been enjoyed by many of our Bluebells children recently and they are exploring feelings and different expressions. They are all really building their confidence with so many things which is fabulous to see.

Babies have been very excited that the butterflies have emerged. They loved watching them flutter around. They have been learning about Bees as it was national Bee Day, sparking their curiosity in the world around us and enjoying various different activities around Bees and their habitat. A little Robin has decided to make its nest on the shelf in their garden and they are learning to be very careful not to disturb it at this very important time.


Categories: News Category 1


Holmwood House Nursery

151 Coach Road, Great Horkesley,
Essex CO6 4DX
T: (01206) 273 827


Holmwood House School

Chitts Hill, Lexden,
Essex CO3 9ST
T: (01206) 574305