
Preschool and Nursery News 19 January 2024

Posted: 19th January 2024

It has been a busy start to term across the Preschool and Nursery, here is some of the news about what they have all been up to:

Preschool 3
The children in Preschool 3 have returned this term full of energy and enthusiasm! We’ve had so much fun doing activities based around the New Year and Dinosaurs! The children enjoyed making New Year drums where they stapled paper plates together and put lentils inside to create various sounds. The children experimented with colour and decorated their drums using paint to design firework pictures. This week we have made some houses for the dinosaurs to live in, we built them using glue and crackers, this activity helped the children to develop their physical skills.

Preschool 2
Welcome back to you all after what we hope was a wonderful Christmas break. The children loved informing us about their Christmases and shared all the excitement with us. This week, the Preschool 2 children have been practising their counting skills without even realising it. They have been drawn to building structures with all sorts of construction toys and whilst doing so have been showing us how well they can count as they build. This week we have enjoyed music as our theme. Thank you to all of you who informed us of some songs your children enjoy. We have loved playing them in the background or doing some music and movement to them.

Happy New Year everyone, we have settled back into Poppies well after our Christmas break, we have welcomed a few new children to the room. The children have really enjoyed getting to know their new friends and helping them adjust to our daily routines. The children have shown a keen interest in developing their cutting skills, cutting out numbers and putting them in the correct order. One activity they particularly enjoyed was cutting small branches from the Christmas tree, collecting them in a tray and using them for activities such as painting and creating forests with play dough. We have also been exploring the ice in the garden, talking about how we think the ice got there.

Welcome back everyone! We hope that you are all well entering the New Year, and that you all have had a lovely Christmas break. We have loved hearing about the lovely presents that Bluebells have received and one of the things they have been most excited to tell us, is that the mince pies, cookies and carrots were gone on Christmas morning! Santa and his reindeer must of been super hungry! It has been lovely seeing everyone back and getting involved in lots of fun activities! In the couple of weeks of being back, we have definitely noticed how cold it is and we have been wrapping up warm to go outside and have been lucky enough to see ice in our outside tuff tray. We have been using our wooden tool set items and spades to tap the ice, watching it crack and seeing bubbles form underneath it. The more we pressed onto the ice, the more the water moved underneath, it was a really fascinating experiment that had all the children really interested and engaged. We loved listening to the sound of the ice crackling and how it broke into different sized pieces.

It has been exciting to welcome our new friends into Bluebells, that have moved up from the younger room. They are settling really well and we are all enjoying getting to know them as they’re coming out of themselves more. Bluebells have been interested quite a lot in animals and we have looked at baby animals as well as life cycles. They have loved looking at the life cycle of a frog and have done beautiful pictures to show what they have been learning. Bluebells have loved using their pincer grip skills to create patterns with the pegs and the boards, they showed fantastic concentration and focus to create such amazing masterpieces! We will be continuing to look at the effects of things from the weather changes and animals that can be seen in autumn and winter as well as spring and summer to see the differences. Keep warm everyone.

Babies have been very interested in exploring the different types of weather and how it changes in our environment. They have made some wonderful rainbows, raindrops and lightning bolts. We have also explored an ice tray and used our hands to try and break and melt the ice, discovering the texture and learning about the cold.

Categories: News Category 1


Holmwood House Nursery

151 Coach Road, Great Horkesley,
Essex CO6 4DX
T: (01206) 273 827


Holmwood House School

Chitts Hill, Lexden,
Essex CO3 9ST
T: (01206) 574305