
A Delicious Start to New Academic Adventures in Year 1

Posted: 29th September 2023

children chopping up fruit

Year 1 have had a super start to the new academic year. They have really enjoyed settling into their new classroom and learning about some of the routines and things to look forward to in Year 1.

Last week in Literacy we enjoyed the book ‘Oliver’s Fruit Salad’. We talked about all the different fruits in the story and the children shared their ideas about which fruits they liked the best and why. We decided it would be fun to make our own fruit salad so the children all wrote a list with suggestions of the fruits that they would like to use. Before we started making our fruit salad we looked at all the different fruits and thought of words to describe their colour and shape. We then learnt about a really long word… ‘adjective!’ Everybody chose a piece of fruit to cut and prepare and watched carefully as they were shown how to hold and use the knife safely. When we had finished making our fruit salad we couldn’t wait to taste it! We thought it was delicious and thought of lots more adjectives to describe the taste.

Later on in the week we continued our work on adjectives with some apple tasting. We compared 5 different varieties of apple and whilst tasting each one we thought of adjectives to describe what the taste and texture was like. We decided the Granny Smith apple was sour and crunchy, but the Braeburn apple was juicy and sweet!

In our art lessons, creativity blossomed as apple halves were transformed into tools for printing intricate patterns, utilising an array of apple-inspired colours.

Year 1 have also just started their Spanish lesson which they started in style! They have been learning a little bit about Spain and Spanish culture. We listened to some traditional Spanish guitar music and tried a spot of flamenco dancing – watch out Strictly!! Wearing a Sombrero hat to introduce yourself in Spanish using “Soy…” was also great fun! Muy bien!!!

Categories: News Category 1


Holmwood House Nursery

151 Coach Road, Great Horkesley,
Essex CO6 4DX
T: (01206) 273 827


Holmwood House School

Chitts Hill, Lexden,
Essex CO3 9ST
T: (01206) 574305

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