Year 1 had great fun exploring ice balloons in their science lesson this week. After using our senses of touch and sight, we shared our ideas about what we thought was in the balloons and how they were made. After agreeing that they were made out of ice we talked about what would happen to the balloons now they were out of the freezer and in the classroom. We then set up a little experiment by keeping one of the ice balloons in the classroom whilst putting the other balloon outside overnight.
Reasoning Skills in Action
We predicted what would happen to each balloon and used our reasoning skills to explain our thinking. We then looked at the balloons again the next day to see if our predictions were correct. We found that the balloon in the classroom had completely melted but the balloon outside was still a little frozen. We decided that the reason why was because the temperature outside was colder than the classroom so the balloon had melted more slowly.
Materials Hunt
Earlier in the week we started to learn about different materials. In our first lesson we went on a ‘materials hunt’ to see what we could find. We worked in pairs and recorded all the different materials we found on our clipboards. Back in the classroom we reflected on how many different materials we had seen. We also used our reasoning skills to try to explain why certain things are made out of particular materials.