“Bonjour Year 4! Ça va?”
C’est magnifique! What a super start to French for Year 4! The children have been working really hard on their meet and greet conversations in French as part of their Autumn Term learning topic of “Moi, je me présente”. They have been practising different ways in which they can greet each other, introduce themselves, ask others what they are called, say how they are feeling and ask others how they are. We have used a great variety of methods in which to revise, improve and hone these skills. Earlier on in the term they used “Googly Eyed” characters to facilitate conversations with alter egos.
This week, Year 4 have been radio reporters and have been working in pairs to create and adapt conversations with each other. They loved using the mini-mic machine! Here are a couple of examples of the conversations they have been perfecting….perhaps Year 4 could interview their parents using their fabulous French phrases!
“Bonjour! Ça va?”
“Ça va très bien merci. Et toi?”
“Bof! Comme ci, comme ça!”
“Comment t’appelles-tu?”
“Je m’appelle Clément. Et toi? Comment tu t’appelles?”
“Je m’appelle Julie.”
“Au revoir”
“Salut! Ça va?”
“Ça va mal! Et toi?”
“Ça va bien merci.”
“Je m’appelle Victor.”
“Bonjour Victor! Je m’appelle Noémie.”
“Salut Noémie, ça va?”
“Oui merci, ça va bien”
“Au revoir”
Bravo Year 4! Madame Mookherjee is very proud of you all.
Categories: Languages Year 4