This term, Year 3 will be exploring the topic of ‘Extreme Earth’, where the children will discover what is really beneath their feet! This will include the structure of the Earth and how this structure causes certain natural disasters to occur.
To spark their curiosity the children used salt dough to create models of the earth, by then layered up different colours of dough. They then sliced the models in two so they could see the layers of the earth, the children were then able to name the layers (inner core, outer core, mantle and crust). Their topic extends across their other subjects and so in one of their first lessons up in the science labs, they became rock detectives, collaborating brilliantly and using their critical thinking skills.
In art they are studying “Extreme Earth” using globes and atlases as a still life; the children first tried a sketch in which the paper they were drawing on was shielded so no real knowledge of whether their sketch was realistic until they had finished. The aim of this was to discover the importance of using their eyes , not making up what they thought they could see but concentrating on the true shapes in front of them. Sketch 2 was sighted, concentrating on the position of objects, on top, beside, behind, to get a true representation of what was in front of them. Sketch 3, after discussion as to where they could see that they could improve shape or size, they sketched again, this time adding some tone to help form the idea of the 3D shape with some shading
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