It was with great excitement and trepidation that the year 4s embarked upon, what they reminded us was, their first ‘proper school trip’ in forever! And with lunches packed, clipboards ready, we set off for The Ipswich Museum for what was to be a wonderful day of Egyptian discovery.
A life size woolly mammoth was ready to greet us, followed by a veritable feast of ‘actual Egyptian artefacts’. Some of which, we were even allowed to handle and identify.
We learned about the lives, deaths and afterlives of the Egyptian Pharaohs, farmers and even felines…. Poor things, sacrificed by their owners to take them along to the afterlife, whether they liked it or not!
We learned about the huge importance of The Egyptian Gods and their significance. And even saw an unopened sarcophagus containing a real mummy, revealed via an ultrasound scan!
We got to make our own clay shabtis (see if your year 4 can remember what they were for). And took part in constructing a timeline to illustrate just how long ago these ancient ancestors actually walked our earth.
Sadly, as with all good things, our trip came to an end, but we would thoroughly recommend popping in to see the Egyptian extravaganza for yourselves. It was certainly the wow introduction to our topic this term that we’d hoped for, and can’t wait to discover more in the classroom.
Categories: News Trips Year 4