
From the Headmaster…

Posted: 11th October 2021

Dear Parents,
It was a shame that we had to postpone Songfest as it would have created a wonderful ending to this half of the term. We will certainly seek to rearrange it for after half term. Listening to the rehearsals showed me the importance of this to the pupils.  Postponing might also enable us to have more parents present to enjoy the fun!
Academic rigour with soft gloves is something I have used to describe what I believe in. One element of this is metacognition (or learning how to learn), and the Years 4, 5 and 6 pupils are bringing home presentations this weekend to explain how they can be developing their work, and so articulating what they have learnt about the learning experience.  Years 1, 2 and 3 were very proud of their work today and it was lovely to see them explaining what they have been doing (and hopefully how they can develop/improve) to their parents this afternoon. I’m not sure who was more excited to be in the room together looking at the books: parents or pupils!!
Today’s assembly was focused on Black History Month; I talked through the work of Charles Drew (a medical pioneer and the major figure in the creation of blood banks in World War Two and Paul Stephenson, known for his work in Bristol in challenging inequality); before moving onto the more well known story of Rosa Parkes. The point of Black History Month is fundamentally to celebrate black figures in history. Charles Drew is someone I have taught about for years without ever realising he was black, nor the challenges he faced.
I know that the impact of COVID on health and education continues to be an issue to many. The government wish is that we get on and teach – and to keep life as normal as possible for the children, and this is what we want to do as well. I would love to have every member of staff and every pupil in school! However, remote learning does continue and, if your child does test positive, or you choose to keep your child off because they are awaiting a test/result, we will support them remotely. You are able to send them to school while they await this result, but as we have said before, we would prefer them to be at home. We recognise sometimes keeping them at home just isn’t possible. If they (or you) are uncertain as to what to do please make contact with the office.
Keeping with one of Holmwood’s great traditions, we were pleased to announce the Heads and Deputy Heads of Element, as voted by the pupils, in assembly today.
Head of Element
Ottilie W
Deputy Head of Element
Noah K
Head of Element
Hugh G
Deputy Head of Element
Elsie B
Head of Element
Bea A
Deputy Head of Element
Bella E
Have a great weekend.
Ed Bond
Categories: Headmaster's Blog News


Holmwood House Nursery

151 Coach Road, Great Horkesley,
Essex CO6 4DX
T: (01206) 273 827


Holmwood House School

Chitts Hill, Lexden,
Essex CO3 9ST
T: (01206) 574305