Dear Parents
Having just come off the ‘set’ of Dragon’s Den in which each Year 8 Element pitched their commercial ideas to 3 ‘Dragons’ , I am glad to inform you that the art of thinking on your feet is alive and well! I was joined by fellow dragons, Charlie Willis and Will Barnett (both Year 7 parents) who interrogated the Year 8 entrepreneurs and made offers of thousands of theoretical pounds for a share in the businesses. My thanks to both for giving up their time and entering into the event with such enthusiasm and commitment. Well done to the Year 8s who have just finished a pretty challenging Week 1 of their Challenge Weeks; bridge building, bake-off, Nuclear Races in the mud, Thorpe Park, Year 8 Ball and today’s Dragon’s Den event. They will certainly sleep this weekend!
As we look ahead to the final two weeks of term, I am looking forward to seeing parents at various events. Please make sure you have registered your place at these events and that you support us by following the restrictions in place.
Wishing you all a great weekend.
Alexander Mitchell