
Eco Committee

Posted: 14th June 2021

We are very excited for our Eco Theme week next week. In addition to the lessons based around the theme, we have a number of whole school activities taking place including an inter-class collage/sculpture made from recycled materials competition and the photography competition which was launched before half term (closing date Wednesday 16 June).

During the week we are asking families to recycle/rehome children’s books which we will be donating to the Children’s Book Project.  The Children’s Book Project is a national charity that believes every child should have access to good quality, exciting and relevant books. They want to address book poverty and to change the statistics around book ownership:

  • 1 in 8 disadvantaged children have no books of their own.
  • By age 11 there is a 12 month literacy and language gap between those with books at home and those without.

Please support us by sorting through your books at home this week – we will leave boxes at the morning drop off points around the school where you can leave books any morning next week. Please note that the condition of books donated is very important. We cannot accept old or tatty books since these are not suitable to gift onwards to another child. We cannot accept:

  • textbooks or revision books
  • religious texts
  • encyclopaedias
  • DVDs or CDs
  • torn, scribbled or dirty books
  • ex-library books or ex-reading schemes

On Thursday 17 June we are asking pupils to come to school wearing green clothes for a charge of £1 (to be added to your termly bill). The money raised will be sent to an Eco Charity voted for by the pupils – this is one of the ideas suggested by the Eco Committee.

Thank you for your support.

Categories: Activities Charity Eco-Committee News


Holmwood House Nursery

151 Coach Road, Great Horkesley,
Essex CO6 4DX
T: (01206) 273 827


Holmwood House School

Chitts Hill, Lexden,
Essex CO3 9ST
T: (01206) 574305