Pre-Prep Golden Awards
Reception Proud Clouds
Aerin C and Nehemiah O
Year 1 Golden Awards
Josie L and Aurelia L-D
Year 2 Golden Awards
Stanley S and Daisy L
Year 3 Golden Awards
Jayden O and Phoebe R
Pre-Prep 5Rs Awards
Resilient Rhino
Christian J, Otto R, Sophia T, Alexander M
Resourceful Raccoon
Uriel J
Reasoning Raven
Joshua M
Responsible Reindeer
Juliet C, Annie B, Stanley J
Reflective Rabbit
Clemmie C, Darcy B, Charlotte M
Years 4-8 5Rs Awards
Resilient Rhino
Charlie P
Responsible Reindeer
Roux B, Grace A, Lucinda B, Hannah J, Stella C, Darcy C
Reflective Rabbit
Oscar A, Hamish D, William U, Ethan H
Reasoning Reindeer
Jack R, Eleanor B, Huck R, Beatrice L-D
Years 4-8 3Cs Badges
Benjamin B
Benedict C
Matilda P-R
Emilia S
Cyrus W
Lana B
Years 4-8 Progress Badges
Isobella N
Blake R
Bea A
Leo M
Clara M
Zara M
Holly S
Benedict V