Dear Parents
At the end of a week which has involved several visitors, online quizzes and a raft of superheroes, the children are clearly enjoying being back at school whilst feeling the energy levels wane a little! School is tiring, it would seem! So much has returned to normal and I am delighted to report that the children’s focus in lessons has been excellent and their learning skills have shone through.
Sport, as you know, is hugely important to us at Holmwood and we very much hope we are able to resume fixtures at some point next term, although it is looking more likely to be in the second half of the term. In the meantime, the Games Department will be preparing the children for the summer term and organising internal matches in preparation for the real thing. Fingers crossed for some glorious summer weather.
The Years 7 & 8 pupils have been concentrating hard this week in their assessments. They have been focused and diligent in their approach and we hope they all have a relaxing weekend to celebrate the end of their penultimate assessments of the year.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,
Alexander Mitchell