Dear All
It was great to see so many of you on today’s Zoom calls to catch up. Thank you for your ongoing feedback and the support you are giving both the children and the school.
I shared the video of Amanda Golman’s amazing presidential inauguration poem with the Prep School children earlier this week. If you didn’t catch it, do sit down and enjoy it with your children here. She was amazing!
I asked the staff to consider doing a few things this week and I wanted to extend that suggestion to you, as parents.
1. Try a bit of simple mindfulness for 60 seconds. (Sit comfortably, close your eyes, concentrate on your breathing only and count the breaths you take in a minute. Next time you don’t have to time yourself, just count your breaths an you’ll know what an approximate minute is.)
2. Go outside for at least a minute on your own; breathe in the fresh air; enjoy the Vitamin D from the sun; and reflect on the sky.
3. Consider three things that you are truly grateful for (and if appropriate, tell someone).
The timescale for when schools will reopen is still unclear. There is clear intention to bring this about as soon as possible but anything from late February to the summer term still seems to be the spectrum of possibilities. We will, of course, let you know as soon as we find out anything more definitive.
Look after yourselves, be kind to each other, and stay strong.
With best wishes
Alexander Mitchell