We are delighted that the Library is up and running at full speed again, having had to work out how to ensure our loaning system would be COVID compliant and ‘bubbles’ round the school maintained. Years 4, 5 & 6 have been making full use of the library resources at break and lunch times, with Year 6 taking the coveted position on the Red Sofas as the eldest pupils in that zone. There are many budding library monitors keen to help out with the loaning and returning of books, all supervised by duty staff and Jane from the front office.
Library books have been taken over to Years 1 to 3 and loan sessions are timetabled into the week for each class. The Reception children have also had a bank of books delivered to their area and pupils in Years 7 & 8 have a range of books from their recommended reading list available to loan from Miss Larkin in her English classroom in the Stable Block.
Categories: Library News