Babies have been practising their fine and gross motor skills this week, using their hands and fingers to manipulate the locks and latches on the busy boards and doing inset puzzles. Outdoors, they have climbed and balanced on the trikes and the wooden logs. They have enjoyed playing ball games, learning to catch, throw and kick.
In Bluebells this week we have been doing lots of shapes based activities, matching shapes, colouring shapes and naming them. We have developed our fine motor skills threading pasta and drawing or even writing words.
This week in Poppies we had lots of fun making precious stones using nail polish to paint them. We then practised our fine motor skills applying nail polish to a cardboard hand. We spent lots of time in the garden, digging, organising campfires, riding the bikes and playing with the dinosaurs and happy land.
Nursery Notices
Nursery Term Time only children finish Friday 17 July
A reminder that nursery is closed as of Monday 17 August until Tuesday 1 September
A link to the nursery website Please click here to access the nursery term dates
Goodbye to all our school leavers, we will miss each and every one of you.
You have all grown in confidence and are now ready for your next chapter BIG SCHOOL!
From everyone at Holmwood House Nursery, we wish you all the best of luck in your new schools, please come and visit us in your school uniforms!
Date for your diary – School Leavers virtual picnic Sunday 26 July 10.30am
Categories: News