Dear Parents
At Holmwood House, we never like to stand still. innovation is part and parcel of what Holmwood is about. The past five years have seen enormous developments in the learning environment for all our children. In 2015, we became a Google school; adopting an innovative and exciting ecosystem which enables creative and interactive use of technology across the whole age range. This in turn results in children who experience IT as a genuinely integrated part of their learning, not simply an occasional add on in the computer room on a Thursday afternoon. Our senior pupils all have their own Chromebooks allowing fast connections with the internet and internal classroom systems. Our assessment structure in Years 7 and 8 is likewise innovative and creative; encouraging pupils to be independent in their learning and ensuring they have a sense of ownership of their learning. Their Learning Log accounts for 50% of their assessment in each subject. These logs aim to capture the process of learning, not just the product. Formal assessments also form part of the assessment framework but pupils of all abilities have a greater opportunity to demonstrate what they CAN do rather than be forced in a limited time to demonstrate what they can’t. This innovation and change sits comfortably alongside, nay, is an integral part of, the philosophy of Holmwood House; one in which every child is valued as an individual, where talents, passions and skills are nurtured and grown and where intelligence and excellence is seen in many different forms. Pupils of all abilities are enabled to thrive; to become the best they can be but judged more against themselves than others. Barriers to learning and improving are rarely intellectual; they are emotional or attitudinal. We value these qualities and work hard through our pastoral system as well as our academic programme to encourage children to strive for success.
Have a lovely weekend!
With best wishes
Alexander Mitchell