Dear Parents,
As the term beds in, I wanted to feed back on a number of initiatives. Global Studies has had a really successful start with extremely positive comments from pupils and parents. Last week’s newsletter highlighted some of the creativity of our Year 6 ‘Bright Sparks’ and I know Year 7s have been enjoying ‘Survival’ whilst looking at deserts amongst other geographical features. Year 2’s ‘Extreme Earth’ topic has given them the opportunity to explore some exciting aspects of our planet and in Year 5 I have enjoyed seeing pupils explore ‘Islands’; work related to their book, ‘The Wreck of the Zanzibar’. We sent out the autumn term Curriculum Map earlier in the year and we shall be sending out the Curriculum Maps for all three terms to enable parents to see the breadth of learning across the school and each year group. In addition, we are preparing our Stretch & Challenge Homework Policy for the younger years.
Our boarding house was alive and kicking on Tuesday night as the Years 6 and 7 boys and girls enjoyed some ‘Comic Book Capers’! I presented costume certificates in assembly today as well as a Marsh Mallow Munching award to Jamie S! Year 4 pupils will have the opportunity soon to board along with the Year 5s in their Cinema Night next Tuesday.
We are looking forward to hosting the first ever Bellevue U11 Rugby 7s Festival next Friday and Saturday. Boys from four other Bellevue schools will join us on Friday afternoon and stay over in the boarding house (hosted by some of our Year 6 boys) in anticipation of the Festival itself the following morning. We hope to develop this idea in future years.
With best wishes
Alexander Mitchell