Dear Parents,
Last week’s Summer Fête was a real triumph! Not in terms of fund-raising. Not in terms of foot-fall. Not in terms of the weather. It was a huge success because of the wonderful Holmwood spirit that was evident throughout the morning. Parents, staff and children were buzzing; the atmosphere was one of collective happiness. I was moved by the response everyone had to the lovely music performances which we were treated to every 10 minutes; to the excellent food on offer; to the engaging stalls. The Friends of Holmwood House love running the fête and we are so lucky to have such an amazing team of dedicated, committed and essentially happy people led, for the last time, by Charlotte Cottrell. Charlotte has been Chairman for 5 years and has done a tremendous job in supporting the school, engaging parents and organising events. She stands down from the role at the end of the term and I wanted to thank her publicly for her sterling efforts, her generosity of spirit, and her superb leadership. I am delighted to announce that Hattie Romer-Lee will be taking over as Chairman from September and I know she will continue the great work of this wonderful group as well as the wonderfully inclusive ‘feel’!
Today, the Years 4 to 7 children had Tutor/Tutee mentoring sessions; the second of these in the year. They are used to ensure children are able to discuss their progress, share concerns and to discuss key indicators of their success and happiness at the school. Our approach at Holmwood is always about the ‘whole child’ and these key sessions are important in ensuring we get this right.
We are very much looking forward to this evening’s Summer Concert in the Prep school; tomorrow’s Prep Sports Day; and Sunday’s Year 8 v Parents cricket matches! A busy weekend!
With best wishes
Alexander Mitchell