
From the Headmaster….

Posted: 28th January 2019

Dear Parents

Our Elizabethan Week has been busy, varied and full of learning. Children really enjoy the links they make between different aspects of their experiences throughout the week and some of them demonstrated in assembly today what they have been learning. The variety was huge! My thanks to all the teachers who have been creative in their approach to the week and to Mrs De Voy who coordinated the content of the week.

Our annual Burns’ Supper on Wednesday evening was a hugely enjoyable event due to the superb behaviour and approach taken by our Year 8s; mature, polite and great fun to be with. They coped well with my renditions of the poetry; with trying haggis for the first time (some with whisky ‘gravy’); dancing reels and generally throwing themselves at the whole event.

Our poppies from the Remembrance Ceremony are beginning to look a little battered by the weather now. If you would like to retrieve your child’s poppy to take home, please do so next week as they will be removed soon after.

Various members of staff will be out at Bellevue School Learning Reviews this term. Learning Reviews are opportunities for peer review of the main points of focus for each school and the feedback is hugely valuable. All part of being part of a bigger organisation. We hosted the termly meeting on Wednesday of all the Bellevue Prep School heads. The feedback was very positive about the school as well as our children, some of whom acted as hosts and guides upon the visitors’ arrivals.

With best wishes

Alexander Mitchell

Categories: Headmaster's Blog


Holmwood House Nursery

151 Coach Road, Great Horkesley,
Essex CO6 4DX
T: (01206) 273 827


Holmwood House School

Chitts Hill, Lexden,
Essex CO3 9ST
T: (01206) 574305